Beginning New Year of 2008 will be my chess comeback.
As part of my preparation are the in-depth studies of games against my future opponents. I will focus on their latest openings, their understanding of middle game and end game. You can help me by posting your comments regarding areas of strength and weaknesses of every player as you notice them on their games.
Please visit this site always.
- Engr Alex A. Valdez -

P Marie [2200] vs W So [2254]

37th Chess Olympiad
Turin, Italy, 2006.05.21
Round 1

1. e4 c5 2. Nc3 Nc6 3. f4 g6 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Bc4 e6 6. O-O Nge7 7. Qe1 O-O 8. a3 d5 9. Ba2 Nd4 10. Qd1 dxe4 11. Nxe4 b6 12. d3 Bb7 13. Rb1 Qc7 14. Nfd2 Rad8 15.Nc4 b5 16. Ne3 c4 17. c3 Ndf5 18. Ng4 Bxe4 0-1

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